Saturday, February 28, 2009

PROM '09


This is one of those occasions that I will never fail to forget. The memories of this splendid night will always comeback to me the moment I think of them. This was the night when two great batches came and rejoiced the whole night, spending the night dancing,chatting and most of all, bonding. I myself had a great night, a million thanks to the great batch, Nephytys, who did a wonderful job of hosting the said occasion. It was really a wonderful night though the program was a little bit too long and ate some of the time reserved for dancing. It was really fun bonding with the would-be seniors and heirs to the great responsibilty of leading to school to a new level of excellence. Dancing and bonding with you guys was a really enjoyable experience. Meeting new friends, especially those on Table 15...Ryan,Krizzia,Ralph,Miriam and Jess(xudie mn xpecial mention hha) a lot of thanks guys...dae q kmo malilingawan. As for my beloved batchmates, ZEPHYRUS RULEZZ!!!, let us treasure this wonderful moment for it will never leave our minds.MAUNG RILINGAWAN!! I WILL MISS U GUYZZ!!

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