Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Visual Basic


Learning Visual Basic was really a great experience...

From the frustrations when we just couldn't get the codes right to the exhilration when we finally accomplish the task and feeling the sheer happiness of being triumphant. This is my experience in learning Visual Basic.

It started when my partner, Jepoy( oi xpecial k dyan padi), would work very hard to finish our task while I just sit beside him watching what he is doing, of course, he would also get tired and frustrated when he just couldn't get the proper codes right. So when he goes away and try to see the work of our other classmates, I would try to fix what is wrong with the program and try my luck. Unfortunately, I couldn't fix the problem either( masakit kea tlga pakarayun c codes ta dawa tama mn c pglalaag q n codes ng eerror p mn grray) so I would ask help from my classmates who could easily input the codes. Luckily, our neighbor, Clyde(nice clyde salamat tlga!) was able to teach us how to input the codes properly and make our program work. From then on we would be able to work out the problems our programs and luckily, finish the given task.

...(sa mga kgrup q pln cna jepoy,marvin and arnel nice work mga padi nkatapos mn grray hehe)...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

PROM '09


This is one of those occasions that I will never fail to forget. The memories of this splendid night will always comeback to me the moment I think of them. This was the night when two great batches came and rejoiced the whole night, spending the night dancing,chatting and most of all, bonding. I myself had a great night, a million thanks to the great batch, Nephytys, who did a wonderful job of hosting the said occasion. It was really a wonderful night though the program was a little bit too long and ate some of the time reserved for dancing. It was really fun bonding with the would-be seniors and heirs to the great responsibilty of leading to school to a new level of excellence. Dancing and bonding with you guys was a really enjoyable experience. Meeting new friends, especially those on Table 15...Ryan,Krizzia,Ralph,Miriam and Jess(xudie mn xpecial mention hha) a lot of thanks guys...dae q kmo malilingawan. As for my beloved batchmates, ZEPHYRUS RULEZZ!!!, let us treasure this wonderful moment for it will never leave our minds.MAUNG RILINGAWAN!! I WILL MISS U GUYZZ!!